Information for Visitors

Appointments: Two visitors may accompany patients for appointments with physicians or advanced practice providers only.
Infusions: One visitor may accompany patients during infusions if space is available.
Children under 16 may accompany adults to exam visits, when necessary, but are not allowed in treatment areas, (infusion, laboratory, radiation, imaging) at any time. Children must remain seated at all times while in our clinics.

Service animals that are specifically trained to aid a person with a disability who is in full control of the service animal at all times are allowed.
Pets and emotional support animals are not allowed. If you have questions, comments or wish to view our Service Animal Policy, please email:

If you have tested positive for COVID-19 in the past five days or are experiencing cold or flu symptoms, such as fever above 100.4 degrees, cough or runny nose, or feel short of breath, please call our office to reschedule your appointment after first calling your primary care physician. Please keep in mind that many of our patients have compromised immune systems and are particularly susceptible to illness. If you have traveled internationally or are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms and/or fever, cough, congestion, nausea, body aches or other cold symptoms, please reconsider your visit.

Patients, visitors and team members can choose to wear a mask while in our clinics and office settings. Masks will be provided for any person who wishes to wear one.