Lung Cancer - Summary, Symptoms, Treatments
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What is lung cancer?
Lung cancer forms in the tissues of the lungs, most often in the cells that line air passages. When abnormal cells in the lungs grow and multiply, they form tumors that can interfere with normal lung function and make it difficult to breathe.
There are two main types of lung cancer:
- Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) is the most common type, accounting for about 85% of cases. It includes subtypes like adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and large cell carcinoma.
- Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC) is less common, but more aggressive. It tends to grow and spread more quickly than NSCLC.
Lung cancer (both small cell and non-small cell) is the second most common cancer in both men and women in the U.S. (not counting skin cancer). In men, prostate cancer is more common. In women, breast cancer is more common.
Most people diagnosed with lung cancer are older adults; with the average age at diagnosis typically around 70. While the risk increases with age, a small percentage of cases are diagnosed in people under 45, due to smoking and other lifestyle choices, environmental exposures or genetics.
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What are the signs and symptoms of lung cancer
In many cases, especially with early-stage lung cancer, a tumor may not be detected until it becomes large. Symptoms to be alert for include:
- Coughing up blood or a cough that doesn’t go away
- Recurrent episodes of pneumonia or bronchitis
- Wheezing or shortness of breath
- A high-pitched whistling-type sound when breathing in or out, or a hoarseness to your voice.
Because symptoms can be so vague, it’s important to pay close attention to any warning signs and contact your health care provider right away if you experience any. The chances of surviving lung cancer with a high quality of life are three times greater when it is detected early.
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How is lung cancer diagnosed?
Diagnosing lung cancer begins with a physical examination so that your doctor can evaluate the symptoms you are experiencing and discuss your health history in detail.
A combination of imaging tests, laboratory tests, and biopsies can confirm a diagnosis. These typically include the following:
Imaging Tests
- Chest X-ray is often the first test to look for abnormal growths in the lungs.
- CT scan (Computed Tomography) provides detailed cross-sectional images of the lungs and helps detect smaller tumors that may not appear on an X-ray.
- PET scan (Positron Emission Tomography) helps determine if cancer has spread beyond the lungs.
- MRI or bone scan may be used if cancer is suspected to have spread to the brain, bones or other organs.
Sputum Cytology
If a person is coughing up mucus (sputum), a sample may be examined under a microscope to look for cancer cells.
If abnormal cells are found, a biopsy using various methods can confirm the presence of lung cancer by analyzing lung tissue under a microscope.
If lung cancer is confirmed, additional tests may be done to identify genetic mutations or biomarkers to help determine the best treatment options.
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What causes lung cancer?
Approximately 85% of all lung cancers occur in people who smoke or are exposed to second-hand smoke. The carcinogens in tobacco and tobacco products can potentially damage nearly every organ in the body, increasing the risk of many types of cancer. Other risk factors include exposure to asbestos, nickel, arsenic, chromium or other chemicals and some petroleum products, or living in an area with high levels of air pollution.
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Is lung cancer genetic?
Some people inherit genetic mutations that make them more susceptible to lung cancer, even without exposure to smoking or environmental toxins. Researchers have found that nonsmokers who develop lung cancers experience different and unique genetic changes than smokers do. A family history of lung cancer may slightly increase risk. It is best to talk with your doctor about any genetic factors that may be present.
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Is lung cancer curable?
Lung cancer can be curable, but it depends on several factors, including the type, stage at diagnosis and overall health of the patient.
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Is there a screening test for lung cancer?
Through the use of low-dose spiral CT scans of the chest, which are quick and painless, lung cancer can often be detected in its early stages. This screening is recommended for people who meet all of the following criteria:
- Age 50 to 80
- History of heavy smoking (at least 20 pack-years—e.g., smoking one pack per day for 20 years or two packs per day for 10 years)
- Currently smoke or quit smoking within the last 15 years
Check with your primary care physician to see if you could benefit from a CT lung scan or other similar screening test. Studies show that screening reduces lung cancer deaths in high-risk individuals.
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What are the best things people can do to reduce the risk of lung cancer?
The most effective way to prevent lung cancer is avoiding smoking and secondhand smoke. Quitting smoking at any age reduces the risk of developing lung cancer and other diseases. It also improves overall health and quality of life. Testing homes for radon, using protective measures in workplaces and adopting a healthy lifestyle can also help lower the risk.
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How is lung cancer treated?
Each patient and each cancer is unique. Treatment options for lung cancer depend on a number of factors, including the specific type, size, location and grade of the tumor and the patient’s overall health. Many treatment advances have occurred in the past decade. The development of targeted therapies that can specifically destroy or disrupt the spread of cancer cells and immunotherapies that boost the body’s own immune system to fight cancer are giving oncologists many more treatment options that are safer and more effective for patients.
At FCS, physicians develop a personalized treatment plan in partnership with patients. FCS is committed to advancing treatment and outcomes for patients with lung cancer. Significant strides continue to offer more hope and better outcomes for those affected by the disease. Each year, dozens of clinical trials are conducted within FCS to find newer, better and more targeted treatments for many types of cancer. Our physicians have been involved with several of the most recent developments for lung cancer therapies and have presented their findings at national and international forums.
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