Florida Cancer Specialists Participation at ASCO® Demonstrates Progress Made Through Clinical Research
Virtual gathering delivers the latest cancer science to the global community
Fort Myers, Fla., May 27, 2020 ——Florida Cancer Specialists & Research Institute (FCS) physicians are the co-authors of 20 research studies that will be presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO®) ASCO20 Virtual Scientific Program being held May 29 – 31, 2020. As the largest gathering of oncologists in the world, FCS health care providers will join thousands of participants to explore the findings of cutting-edge research and state-of-the-art treatment therapies.
Dr. Manish R. Patel, Sarah Cannon at FCS director of drug development, is the lead author of a study on immunotherapy, and co-author of seven additional studies that will be featured in poster presentations and discussions. Dr. Judy Wang, Sarah Cannon at FCS associate director of drug development, is also co-authoring presentations. Dr. Patel and Dr. Wang also serve on ASCO’s Scientific Program Committee.
Dr. Ivor Percent, as first author, will give an oral presentation of a Phase 3 study on non-small cell metastatic lung cancer. Dr. Maen Hussein is co-author of a published lung cancer study and co-author of a published study about health services research and quality improvement.
In addition to Drs. Hussein, Patel, Percent and Wang, the following FCS physician investigators will present their research results during poster discussions and/or presentations: Dr. Lucio N. Gordan, Dr. Lowell Hart, Dr. Scott Lunin, Dr. Anjan Patel, Dr. Vance Wright-Browne and Dr. Gail Lynn Wright.

“Through our robust research program, we are continuously gaining a better understanding of molecular changes and cancer cell activity,” said FCS President & Managing Physician Dr. Lucio N. Gordan. “We are able to then apply the science to develop personalized and targeted treatments to achieve the best outcomes for our patients.”
The program, titled “Unite and Conquer: Accelerating Progress Together,” will feature over 250 oral abstract presentations and 2,500 poster presentations in 24 diseased-based and specialty tracks. Sarah Cannon Chief Medical Officer and President of Clinical Operations Howard A. “Skip” Burris III, MD, FACP, FASCO is serving as the 2020 ASCO® president and will present the opening presidential address at the annual meeting on Saturday, May 30.