Florida Cancer Specialists Patient Spotlight: Stephanie Peace
“I’ve never smoked a day in my life, but lung cancer doesn’t care. ”
– Stephanie Peace, FCS Lee County patient.
In 2016, the mother of three sought medical attention from her dermatologist for treatment for what she thought were lipomas. Soon after the visit, she was faced with a Stage IV lung cancer diagnosis. Until then, her only other symptom of the disease was shortness of breath, which she had attributed to her weight.
Her results were startling: fluid in her lungs, six brain tumors, a spot on her bones and another on her liver. Following her referral to FCS, Stephanie participated in a biomarker test, which is used to better understand genetic mutations and provide more accurate treatments for patients. Her physician, medical oncologist Dr. Syed F. Zafar of FCS Fort Myers Cancer Center, began treatments for Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase (ALK) positive lung cancer, a form of non-small cell lung cancer caused by a mutation of the ALK gene. This genetic mutation causes five percent of lung cancer diagnoses.
Four years into her cancer treatment, Stephanie is determined to spread lung cancer awareness. Prior to her diagnosis, she was unaware that lung cancer, as so many other cancers, can be genetically driven. It’s vital to erase the stigma that lung cancer is exclusive to those who smoke or who have been exposed to harmful chemicals.
Stephanie continues to inspire those around her through her resilience and ambition to share as much knowledge as she can about the importance of maintaining cancer screenings, understanding the benefits of genetic and biomarker testing, body and health awareness, asking physicians and care providers follow up questions and building and maintaining support teams. Thank you, Stephanie, for sharing your cancer journey with us.